Featured Service: One Belt, One Road

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road is also known as the One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR). The “One Belt” refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt while the “One Road” refers to the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road.

OBOR is the brainchild of the Chinese President Xi Jinping. Just after six months of taking responsibility as the President of China, he visited Central Asia in September 2013. During his speech in Kazakhstan, he unveiled for the first time, the OBOR initiative. OBOR is in a diversion from Deng Xiaoping's policy dictum of "hide our capabilities and bide our time; never try to take the lead".

This ambitious plan aims to link China with Europe, and so far it involves 68 countries. During the two-day summit in May 2017, which was attended by leaders from 29 countries, Mr Xi Jinping pledged $124 billion for OBOR.

Among other benefits, OBOR will specifically develop infrastructure in the participants countries in the form of rail network, roads, transportation, port facilities, power, IT, communication, retail industries, distributions, etc

How Commodity Inside can help

OBOR has seen a fast progress recently. A number of projects have already been completed such as Gwadar Port in Pakistan, while others are at various stages of development. Given our first-hand knowledge and experience in some projects as well close relations with stakeholders in various involved countries have given us unique and unrivalled expertise in the market.

We have published several insights related to OBOR and have been covering construction, automotive, packaging and energy sectors on a regional and global scale for our regular market reports.

We can help governments, corporations and financial institutions in the following ways:

    • Feasibility and market assessment
    • Market penetrations strategies
    • Prices and costs benchmarking for various construction materials
    • Exploring potential business opportunity with local and regional partners
    • Costs and benefits analysis
    • Impact analysis on local industries
    • Helping reaching an economical deal
    • Risks and SWOT analysis on project and location basis


We are arranging a webinar on OBOR in the context of infrastructure industry.

Further details about the date and time will be confirmed soon.