Deutsche Telekom challenges 5G regulations

2 January 2019

Latest Telecom News

PTA experienced 40,355 complaints against telecom operators in 2018

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) received a total of 40,502 complaints in 2018 out of which it managed to address 40,355 complaints. These complaints are filed against Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs), Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Wireless Local Loop (WLL). CMO received the most complaints which reached 26,829.


Deutsche Telekom challenges 5G regulations

The German regulator announced that any company which take part in the 5G auction must be obliged to cover the minimum coverage areas that are set by the regulators and furthermore they would also make their infrastructure available to new entrants.

Deutsche Telekom opposed the rules and files a legal appeal against the German regulator which is based on the idea that these rules discourage the network owners from investing on network infrastructure for which they also hold no longer exclusive rights.