IoT based trials to start on sailboat

11 March 2019

IoT based trials of 470 sailboat

(Asia Pacific): Yamaha, a Japanese automaker and Fujitsu, a Japanese multinational information technology equipment and services company, will join hands to trial various IoT based trials to improve the performance of 470 racing sailboat. The trials will be held between 13 March to 30 April 2019 on Lake Haman, Japan.

The main focus of the trials will be on the speed and inclination of boats, and the data received from the sensors attached to the boat’s various parts. The data will be collected through the Fujitsu cloud service.

The analysis from the collected data would be used to improve the performance of the sailing and speed and help improve the crew’s sailing skills. The companies have plans to build a platform for boat developments aiming to improve sailing performance to increase their worldwide marine market share.


IoT platform for beekeepers

(Europe): ModuSense, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform, has launched an IoT platform for beekeepers. It will help companies to improve the honey production by providing real-time observation on weight, humidity and temperature of hives remotely.

All these information are collected through sensors which are placed in hives. The data is then transmitted to keepers through wireless signals or satellite. Moreover, the application also shows the complete information about the hive including when to get the maximum production from the hive. The solution will help beekeepers to can monitor hives remotely, which will reduce costs by eliminating constant visits.


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